Contact The Cancer Couch Foundation
The Cancer Couch Foundation
PO Box 1145
Southport, CT 06890
Tom Scalera, President of The Cancer Couch
[email protected]
Twitter: @cancercouch
FaceBook: @RebeccaCancerCouch and @thecancercouchfoundation
Donate: Checks for donations can be sent to the above address, made out to “The Cancer Couch Foundation.” Please write your email address on the memo line for your check (we do not sell email addresses but we ned this for our accounting. We are a registered 501c3 and all donations are fully tax deductible – you will receive a letter verifying this. 100% of donations go directly to the institutions we fund and every dollar is matched to quickly advance research for metastatic breast cancer.
Sponsorship: For corporate sponsorship information, please contact Vivian Ciampi at [email protected]
Fundraise: Please click on the Fundraise pillow to the top left on the home page. This will give you some ideas and info on what you can do – or come up with your own creative fundraiser and we’ll help you in any way we can! Contact Tom at (914) 325-2095.
Share: If you’d like to share your story, please call, email, or DM- we love hearing from you and are all in this together! Contact [email protected]
Speaking Engagements: To request a member of the Cancer Couch team for a speaking engagement contact Tom at (914) 325-2095 or [email protected]
PO Box 1145
Southport, CT 06890
Tom Scalera, President of The Cancer Couch
[email protected]
Twitter: @cancercouch
FaceBook: @RebeccaCancerCouch and @thecancercouchfoundation
Donate: Checks for donations can be sent to the above address, made out to “The Cancer Couch Foundation.” Please write your email address on the memo line for your check (we do not sell email addresses but we ned this for our accounting. We are a registered 501c3 and all donations are fully tax deductible – you will receive a letter verifying this. 100% of donations go directly to the institutions we fund and every dollar is matched to quickly advance research for metastatic breast cancer.
Sponsorship: For corporate sponsorship information, please contact Vivian Ciampi at [email protected]
Fundraise: Please click on the Fundraise pillow to the top left on the home page. This will give you some ideas and info on what you can do – or come up with your own creative fundraiser and we’ll help you in any way we can! Contact Tom at (914) 325-2095.
Share: If you’d like to share your story, please call, email, or DM- we love hearing from you and are all in this together! Contact [email protected]
Speaking Engagements: To request a member of the Cancer Couch team for a speaking engagement contact Tom at (914) 325-2095 or [email protected]